JDPA Exam - Spring 2023

JDPA Exam - Spring 2023

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Dermatologic Manifestations of Common Zoonotic Exposures

Janelle Bludorn, PA-C, DFAAPA; Erica Palmer, PA-S; and Andre Braima, PA-C

Zoonotic exposures are common reasons for patients to seek urgent and emergent evaluation and care. In addition to systemic manifestations, many animal-related conditions have distinct dermatologic features that may assist in early and appropriate diagnosis and management. In some cases, skin findings are the only manifestation of a condition that may lead to long-term sequelae if not treated in a timely manner. Significant dermatologic manifestations of three categories of zoonotic exposures—crotalid envenomation, spider bites, and non-Lyme tick-borne disease—are briefly reviewed.

Janelle Bludorn, PA-C, DFAAPA, is Assistant Professor and Academic Coordinator at Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Duke Physician Assistant Program, in Durham, North Carolina. Erica Palmer, PA-S, is a PA Student at Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Duke Physician Assistant Program, in Durham, North Carolina. Andre Braima, PA-C, is Emergency Medicine APP Resident at Yale-New Haven Health and Lecturer at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.


Dermatologic Manifestations of Common Zoonotic Exposures
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Learning Objectives 1. Identify the initial and progressive dermatologic manifestations of snakebites and snake envenomation. 2. Discuss how skin findings can aid in the differentiation of venomous spider bites. 3. Recognize non-Lyme tickborne diseases based on characteristic lesion configuration and distribution. 4. Appreciate the impact that identifying dermatologic manifestation can have on timely and appropriate diagnosis and management of zoonotic exposures.
Spring 2023 Assessment
4 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
4 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
11 Questions