Lower Extremity Wound Care

Lower Extremity Wound Care

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  • Register
    • Non-member - $326
    • Affiliate - $175
    • Diplomate Fellow - $125
    • Fellow- Diplomate - $125
    • Student - $150
    • Fellow - $150
    • Associate - $175
    • Physician - $175
    • Diplomate Associate - $150
    • Diplomate Affiliate - $150
    • Diplomate Student - $150
    • Diplomate Physician - $175
    • DermNP - $175
    • Diplomate DermNP - $150

Module 1: Focused History and Physical for the Patient with Nonhealing Wounds  

Patients with nonhealing lower extremity wounds require unique history and physical examinations.  Current published clinical practice recommendations for obtaining this pertinent information will be reviewed.    

Module 2: Taking Control of the Wound Environment 

Implementing a consistent plan of action with evidence-based goals for progression of healing leads to improved outcomes.  This will put the power to control the wound environment into the hands of the provider.    

Module 3: Reevaluating Your Wound Relationship  

You are doing everything right, yet the wound is not healing.  It is time to have the talk.  “It’s not me, it’s you.”  Practical advice will be given on how to salvage this healing and protect this wound from recurring.  

 This activity has been reviewed by the AAPA Review Panel and is compliant with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 3 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. Approval is valid to 6/22/2024. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation. AAPA reference number: CME-206100.


Lower Extremity Wound Care
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
CME Certificate
Up to 3.00 medical credits available  |  Certificate available
Up to 3.00 medical credits available  |  Certificate available