Module 16 - Vascular Disorders

Module 16 - Vascular Disorders

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    • Fellow- Diplomate - Free!
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    • Fellow - $15.75
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    • Diplomate International DermPA - Free!

‘Vascular Disorders’ is the 16th module in the SDPA's Diplomate Fellowship. After completing this module, learners can expect to walk away with knowledge and understanding of:

  • Presentation, associated complications, and treatment of vascular anomalies
  • Ulcers
  • Other vascular disorders such as: lymphedema, livedo reticularis, flushing, telangiectasias, venous lakes, nevus anemicus, angiospastic macules, and angiokeratomas  

This module contains 2 sections in total and will provide 2.25 hours of Category I CME. This module costs $15.75. To complete each section learners will watch a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover, take an exam, and complete an evaluation survey. Each learner will be required to pass the exam with at least 70% and will have 4 attempts to pass the exam.


Section 1: Infantile Hemangioma
Open to view video.  |  56 minutes
Open to view video.  |  56 minutes
Section 1: Infantile Hemangioma Assessment
8 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
8 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
Section 2: Ulcers
Section 2: Ulcers
Open to view video.  |  74 minutes
Open to view video.  |  74 minutes
Section 2: Ulcers Assessment
10 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
10 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
Evaluation and CME (Complete all sections first)
Evaluation Survey
13 Questions
CME Certificate
Up to 2.25 medical credits available  |  Certificate available
Up to 2.25 medical credits available  |  Certificate available