Module 2 - Diagnostic Procedures

Module 2 - Diagnostic Procedures

4.54 (13 votes)

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    • Fellow- Diplomate - Free!
    • Student - $12.25
    • Fellow - $12.25
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    • International DermPA - $12.25
    • Diplomate International DermPA - Free!

‘Diagnostic Procedures’ is the 2nd module in the SDPA's Diplomate Fellowship Program which contains a total of 22 modules. 

After completing this module, learners can expect to walk away with knowledge and understanding of:

  • How to identify signs and diagnosis 
  • How to perform diagnostic procedures
  • How to select appropriate biopsy techniques

This module contains 3 sections in total and will provide 1.75 Category 1 CME hours. This module costs $12.25. To complete each section, learners will watch a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover, take an exam, and complete an evaluation survey. Each learner will be required to pass the exam with at least 70% and will have 4 attempts to pass the exam. Some sections in this module contain instructional videos.


Section 1: Diagnostic Procedures
Open to view video.  |  48 minutes
Open to view video.  |  48 minutes
Section 1: Diagnostic Procedures Assessment
6 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
6 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
Section 2: Nail Matrix Biopsy
Section 2: Nail Matrix Biopsy
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes
Section 2: Nail Matrix Biopsy Assessment
5 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
5 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
Section 3: The Biopsy
Section 3: The Biopsy
Open to view video.  |  48 minutes
Open to view video.  |  48 minutes
Section 3: The Biopsy Assessment
6 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
6 Questions  |  4 attempts  |  70/100 points to pass
Evaluation and CME (Complete all sections first)
Evaluation Survey
13 Questions
CME Certificate
Up to 1.75 medical credits available  |  Certificate available
Up to 1.75 medical credits available  |  Certificate available